Develop Your Communication Skills at PCS

The ability to send and receive clear, direct messages is the foundation of good communication. PCS places a high value on teaching good communication skills and understanding communication styles. Your style of communicating (assertive, aggressive or passive-aggressive) impacts the way your messages are delivered and received and can either enhance or undermine your relationships. Whether you want to improve the intimacy in your marriage, increase the understanding in family interactions, or improve your work relationships, PCS can help. We offer introductory workshops in core communication skills every Monday utilizing the tools developed at the University of Minnesota Study Center. This educational program will help you understand yourself and provide you tools to take charge of your relationships and become more effective in your day to day communication. In addition, many of our therapists are trained to help you expand and practice improved communication with your partner or family members.

Therapy for Ministry Leaders and Their Families

This program is designed to facilitate the treatment and recovery of clergy families who are in deep pain. Issues which may be dealt with include burn-out, depression, challenges within family systems, challenges in working with the church system both locally and nationally, challenges in the area of addictions, including inappropriate crossing of sexual boundaries, and faith crises on the part of clergy and clergy families. Through the New Hope Educational Foundation, PCS provides additional help for ministry leaders and their families.

Establishing Healthy Boundaries

Family systems are a place designed for all of us to learn, grow, and love; not all family systems teach and model healthy relationship, communication (link to communication group in services), assertiveness and boundary skills.

Boundaries involve your belief system, values, morals, emotions and your life experiences. Healthy boundaries serve to define who you are, contain you and protect your essence. Boundaries are the guidelines that assist you with appropriate closeness and separateness in relation with self and others.

Establishing healthy boundaries can be a difficult task, but one that offers great rewards of closeness and connection. Boundary setting is a process with certain distinguishable steps that lead to greater intimacy emotionally, physically, sexually and spiritually.
Psychological Counseling Services, Ltd. offers assertiveness skill and boundary training related to a healthier self for both males and females, couples and dating relationships, parenting, families, professional and working partnerships. Victims of trauma and abuse and those who have violated the boundaries of others can greatly benefit from these specialized services.
Healthy boundaries insure self-respect, self-love, and self-accountability. Healthy boundaries teach us to be responsible and lead to self-trust which leads to a mature life in which we can enter and sustain intimate relationships. Contact PCS to schedule an appointment with one of our therapists specializing in boundaries.

Overcome Your Addictions with Help From PCS

No problem in America has been more costly in daily lives, misery and money than addictions, and no problem has generated more stubborn conflict and confusion in families, friendships and business relationships.

Psychological Counseling Services, Ltd. offers individualized outpatient substance abuse/addiction treatment to families and business professionals. The team of highly trained nationally recognized health care professionals provides an environment with a focus on the emotional, physical and spiritual needs of each individual. Relapse prevention planning and quarterly assessments deliver a powerful preventive mechanism for the perils of recidivism and relapse.

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